How Moving our Office is like Your Relationships
A few weeks ago we began to consider moving our home office from upstairs to downstairs. The "upstairs" office had a lovely skylight but the down side was that we couldn't see the computer screen for at least 5 hours out of the day because of the sun.This weekend we actually made the decision and moved the office. It took all day Saturday to do this and a lot of "heaving" and "hoeing." When we were done moving, it occurred to us that there were some incredible similarities between our office move and how most of us "do" relationships.Here are some similarities for you to consider:..1. We were comfortable upstairs--we had air conditioning and a comfortable lounge chair, neither of which are in the new office. In relationships, we get comfortable in our patterns with our mate, family members, or co-workers and often just don't want to tackle some hard issues that need to be addressed. We know what needs to be done, but for whatever reason, we just don'twant to make that "move'" and challenge the situation. We may talk with a friend, co-worker or even a total stranger about the problem but are unwilling to speak to the one person with whomyou have an issue.2. We were uncertain whether this move would really be for the best--whether the pros outweighed the cons in our new office space. In relationships we'd often rather stay "stuck" in situationsthat are familiar to us than make changes where the outcome is uncertain. We don't know whether bringing up a certain subject or idea would really be for the best--Would it make things better or worse in our relationship?3. Our "upstairs" office was great except for this one little part--we couldn't work on the computer for several hours during the day. We worked around this "little part" until it just had become impossible to do so. In relationships, we admitthat everything is "perfect" except for this one "little part." We skirt this issue, hide it, and just don't want to face it. Whenever we say (about anything)"This is great but . . ." we are justifying or settling for something less than what we really want out of life.After the move, we have discovered that the new office space feels really good and we're glad that we made the switch. In relationships, we have found that it's often difficult and evenpainful to tackle the hard issues when they come up but after we do, we feel much lighter, more energized, more honest and more loving.To us, this isn't about dumping on your partner. This is about tearing down the walls so that you can have a healthier relationship. We've found that this works in your job situation aswell in as your personal relationships. We've also found that things might appear to get worse before they get better when you tackle those jugular issues. For us, this has been the only way to create healthy relationships.So this week, we suggest that you consider doing something that you've been thinking about doing for awhile but have been afraid to do so. It might be a project that you'd like to do or reaching out to someone who is estranged from you. But, the most important thing is to step out of your comfort zone and take your life to the next level.
Labels: like, Moving, Office, Relationship, Relationships, Romance